Most of these services are included in the coaching programs.

It’s easier to make changes in our lives when we are healing at the same time.

On the other hand, healing is easier and long lasting when coaching is in place.

Even if you are not my coaching client, you can have access to some of the healing techniques here.

Balancing Chakras

Achieve this balance with the use of energy healing, crystals and guided meditation.

Julia Vergara, Life Coach, Honolulu Hawaii.

Family Constellations

Is a simple yet effective healing technique that reveals family or any relationship patterns and find resolution to live a happier life.

Spirit Releasement Therapy

This therapy not only frees you but also helps other souls. You will feel like yourself again.

Angel Mediumship Therapy

Connecting with our loved ones who have departed or with angels is very similar.

Angel Therapy

Angels are support, love and God’s helpers or messengers.

Natural Childbirth Classes

Because you want to accomplish it and not just TRY.

Ministerial Services

I understand that every single event in our lives is as unique as we are, and should be celebrated that way.

Lomilomi and Prenatal Massage

I bring alignment and balance to the physical body triggering the healing abilities of your body. Bodywork is important to release emotions trapped in our physical body.

Pranic Healing

Is a simple yet effective energetic healing system. It is based on the ability of creatures to heal themselves.

Awaken Through Parenting

We learn from our children and parenting become a breeze.

Mayan Energy Cleansing

In the Mayan culture there are rituals for energy cleansing and I was initiated into two of them: fire and water.

Emotional Freedom Technique

Also called Tapping, helps to calm down our reactive mind to reduce stress so you become more creative about finding solutions to your challenges.

Hawaiian Healing

Ho'oponopono is one of the Hawaiian techniques I share with my clients (it's about conflict resolution). The other one is about emotional detachment of situations.


Reiki re-establishes the normal energy flow through the system which in turn enhances and accelerates the body’s innate healing ability.

Applied Kinesiology

Could be used for decision making and to know what is better for your body and life.

Inspirational Products

Books, journals and meditations to support you in your awakening journey.

Multidimensional Therapy

Helps you heal all those programs that you do not need anymore and create the ones that are good for you.

Third Millennium Children

Indigo children are warriors who come here to depart from expected parameters and open the road for Crystal and Rainbow Children.

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