Reiki re-establishes the normal energy flow through the system which in turn enhances and accelerates the body’s innate healing ability.

Reiki has been practiced for thousands of years, but the Japanese Doctor Mikao Usui was who re-discover this healing ancestral technique at the beginning of the 1900s. Through spiritual channeling, he saw what we know today as the Reiki symbols. These symbols are used to heal the past, present, and future. They could be used in animals, plants, and food, to protect our homes, and cars, among others. 

If we split Reiki’s word roots, REI means spirit in Japanese, spiritual consciousness, and God-consciousness. It is that wisdom that comes from God’s consciousness or the Higher Self, that conscious that knows everything. KI means vital energy, same as CHI in Chinese, PRANA in Sanskrit, and TI or KI in Hawaiian. If this KI is blocked, low or unbalanced, we could be vulnerable to physical, emotional, or spiritual ailments. 

Reiki is based on lying on of the hand. Reiki re-establishes the normal energy flow through the system which in turn enhances and accelerates the body’s innate healing ability. Reiki is simple and produces measurable results. Many hospitals are now using Reiki and tests show the success of recovery in patients. 

Benefits of Reiki

• Triggers mind and body general relaxation

• Reduces stress and increases the sense of peace

• Reduces pain, illness, depression, and anxiety

• Increases awareness, creativity, focus

• Negative patterns in your life may disappear

• Balances the body’s energy

• Helps with pre-natal and post-natal wellness

• Reduces post-partum depression

• Boost the immune system

• Enhances and accelerates healing after surgery or injury

• Ease symptoms of cancer treatment 


As a Reiki practitioner, I am the vessel for this universal energy to enter into the client, the Reiki itself with its wisdom knows where the body needs it most, and the body takes what is needed.

Reiki techniques enable a treatment to be given without the client being present (distant healing) and are just as effective as in-person treatments. The investment is $150/session or a package of 10 sessions at $1,200 (all services are subject to Hawaii sales tax at 4.712%).

To know what to expect and how to prepare for your virtual session, please schedule a complimentary consultation.

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