Natural childbirth classes

Because you want to accomplish it, not just TRY.

Would I do it again the same way?




Did I always think that I would do it naturally? No.



I had a regular doctor who did not think it was okay to have babies naturally and that giving birth was “a procedure”.



What happened? I will tell you more in the class.



I gave birth naturally and with midwives and I will recommend it for normal pregnancies (some risk pregnancies can do it too, but it is case by case).



I was giving informal advice to friends for their pregnancies and births, but in 2011 I took a class to become an instructor and I started to do it officially.



As part of my journey, I have chosen to help women with their maternity and birth experiences. 



I am inviting all moms to educate themselves and their partners (or companions in pregnancy and labor) toward having a better birth experience. 



Our bodies were designed to have babies in a natural drug-free environment. 



All of us healthy mothers can do it. 



Even though you are going to have your baby in a hospital setting where an epidural is available, it will be a great opportunity to learn about your body during labor and have a better overall experience for you and your baby. 



It does not matter if it is your second or third baby, every single pregnancy and birth is unique and different.

Would you give birth without preparation?

Would you jump into deep waters without knowing how to swim?

The answer to both questions is the same: No way!


Even though both are a natural thing to do, both need some learning

and training. 


For perspiring mammals these natural events, swimming, and giving birth are instincts. 


Even though, they are still natural events for humans we do not do them by instinct. We have instead the ability to learn how to do them.


I understand why I need a lesson to swim, but why do I need training to have a baby?


Many reasons, but to make a long story short:

– we started giving birth in hospitals around the 1940s instead of home births, thus birth became a mystery and now we have to learn how to do it.

– training displaces ignorance, superstition, fear, anxiety, and bodily tensions that are obstacles in labor and swimming.

If you do not have the daddy of your baby available, please do not feel left out by the title (you just adjust it to your situation).

Old times called for no father at birth because they were dirty in an aseptic (clean) environment… 

Really? Hospitals are not the cleanest place on earth so you know. Is more the benefit of a father included through pregnancy and birth than the germs he will bring to the birth room. 

Fathers who have been involved are more likely to feel the bond of parenthood.

What is true for sure is that you can’t be alone giving birth (we can talk about your options during the consultation if the dad is not involved at the moment).

What you are going to learn during the 9 weeks you’ll be with me (once a week):

– Exercises to strengthen the muscles you’ll use during labor.

– Nutrition to have a normal pregnancy and avoid some complications.

– Procedures to avoid during pregnancy and labor for your safety and your baby’s.

– Essential oils for every stage of labor.

– How to support a pregnant and laboring woman (dad or companion should take the classes with you).

– First days with baby.

– Post-partum care.

Investment on your wellbeing and your baby’s: US$555

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