Helps you heal all those programs that you do not need anymore and create the ones that are good for you.

We are more than the body that we see and touch. As we reach higher levels of consciousness, we start feeling that we need something stronger or more effective to heal and grow.


Sometimes we struggle with out-of-control situations or repeatedly fail in our intention of improving specific areas in our lives. Thinking positively, being a good human being, or trying to learn from our past life events is not always enough.


It can appear that we are running in circles: repeating relationships or conflicts with others, and it seems nothing we do changes our experiences. 


Then, when something clicks in our minds and we listen to our hearts, we learn that we are looking for a deeper type of healing


Our cells and souls have memory. Our cells have only been alive for this lifetime; on the other hand, our souls have been alive since the beginning of our existence, long before this lifetime.


Certain lessons must be learned and challenges must be overcome. These are difficult processes.


With multidimensional therapy, memories that prevent us from achieving what we want can be healed; even emotions, feelings or physical illnesses can be healed through this process. It is not necessary to believe that we were here before this time.


What is important is to be open-minded and have an open heart receptive to healing. 


Trauma in our lives on the other hand, creates a separation between our physical body and our soul. This separation or holes have a great deal to us when we want to be healthy and whole.


The individual at those traumatic moments gets vulnerable to bacteria, viruses, illnesses, and also energetic interferences.


Trauma could be losing a job, breaking up with a partner, surgery, accidents, and even euphoria among others. Those situations create certain programs in our minds that prevent us from achieving what we want or healing from emotions, feelings, or physical illnesses.


Multidimensional therapy helps you heal all those programs that you do not need anymore and create the ones that are good for you. The healing can be achieved at many levels: physical (health), emotional (personal growth), and spiritual (soul learning).


The only requirement for the person receiving this therapy is to believe in the innate healing power we have.


Applied kinesiology is a reliable tool to connect with the individual’s unconsciousness and supra-consciousness.


It is a conscious process, but all the layers of the being are brought together.


We achieve the divine and conscious state of the individual and his/her capacity to heal, grow and reach his/her life goals.


I use powerful techniques (crystals, ambers, sacred geometry, labradorite, moonstone, Goddess essence, among others) and some mudras and Master Points to decode internal systems (such as the immune, endocrine, etc.) and the energetic systems (chakras) and treat them in an individual manner.


As a holistic coach, I have learned that any healing has a long-lasting or permanent effect when combined with a conversation (hence the coaching sessions).

It is also important to do more than one session and commit to your healing. You are the one who allows the healing to take place.

This is not a passive process where I am the one who does the healing. It is a process where you are actively involved. The investment is $200/session or a package of 10 sessions at $1,600 (all services are subject to Hawaii sales tax at 4.712%).

To know what to expect and how to prepare for your virtual session, please schedule a complimentary discovery call.

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