Julia Vergara, Life Coach, Honolulu Hawaii.

Feng shui Vision Board Retreat

December 2, 2023

10:00 am – 3:00 pm

This retreat is for you if you are ready to:

✅ make yourself a priority.

✅ organize and take charge of your life and desires.

✅ get connected to your heart and plan in an aligned way.

✅ have accountability and take time for yourself.

✅  learn how a vision board will work for you (it’s not just about putting pictures in a board).

In this retreat you will learn..

– How to connect with your higher-self so that you get aligned with your life’s purpose. 

– How to listen to your body and understand what it’s telling you so that you don’t feel guilty or uncertain about some decisions.

– How to get back to balance in any situation so that you don’t waste time and energy. 

– How to create from your heart instead from your head.

– How to use effectively a vision board to reach your dreams/goals.

– How to recognize your limiting beliefs and how to transform them in the beliefs you want. 

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