Is a simple yet effective healing technique that reveals family or any relationship patterns and find resolution to live a happier life.

Family Constellations reveals a dynamic that has affected family generations and resolves the effects that the dynamic has caused.

It is impossible to implement all the things we have planned when we have these family or systemic entanglements of unresolved trauma.

We borrowed beliefs from our parents that keep us stuck. We learned them in our subconscious mind and now they become an obstacle.

When we release hidden beliefs and overwrite them, our focus can be towards our dreams, love, and respect.

There are more than way to work on these subconscious programming and family constellations is one of the most powerful ones.

As in other therapeutic technique, you are the one who decides when you are ready. 

The founder, Bert Hellinger referred to the relation to present and past problems, life and death, being and not being. After experiencing the family constellations technique, you feel an inner movement always going forward. 

In this technique you will encounter and accept the reality of your past through representatives (sometimes are other people, other times are avatars or simple pieces of paper).

It could help in all of the relationships in your life: 

Family: resolving conflicts and problems.

Couples: improving the relationship and healing to find a partner.

Children: learning and behavioral problems, addictions, ADHD

Health: unfolding dynamics behind disease and symptoms.

Professional/work: conflicts or failure as employee or independents professional

Business and management: leadership, decision-making, communication, time management.


As a holistic coach, I have learned that healing has a long-lasting or permanent effect when combined with a conversation. It is also important to do more than one session and commit to your healing. You are the one who allows the healing to take place.

You may get 1 session for $150 plus Hawaii tax (4.712%) or a package of 10 session for $1,200.

In this case of family constellations, you may use them in less than a year and for different reasons.

This is not a continuing therapy but a punctual one. Some obstacles get healed with one session, other need more than one and some times you realize you could unblock many things and that is why I know you would want to have more than one session. We only address one challenge per session.

This is not a passive process where I am the one who does the healing. It is a process where you are actively involved.

To know what to expect and how to prepare for your virtual session, please schedule a complimentary discovery call

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