Angels are support and love and God’s helpers or messengers.

Angels are support and love. Knowing that they are there and feeling them with you is an incredible experience. Our guardian angels are here to guide us and protect us; they are God’s helpers or messengers. The only thing left for us to do is allow them to help us and, of course, ask for their help. 


Everything in our lives becomes harmonious and peaceful when we are in contact with our angels. They are not going to interfere with our will, but they do offer us their protection, support, and guidance. It is very simple and we all can do it. 


You only need to have the desire to communicate with them, as well as perseverance, patience, and confidence. 


I can help you in the process and allow you to receive messages that they have probably been trying to communicate in the past. 


Angel therapy is a spiritual therapy used to heal every single aspect of a person. This kind of therapy can be drawn up from a distance and without too much information about the person. 



I only need some type of energy that connects me with the person to receive the information from the angels and spiritual guides. There are several ways to access the information they have for you and learn to communicate with them and understand the signs. 


The investment is US$150/session or a package of 10 sessions at US$1,200 (all services are subject to HI tax sales at 4.712%).

Angel Therapy can be added to any other therapy you choose (at no cost to you).

Being my coaching client you have access to this therapy at any time.

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