Connecting with our loved ones who have departed or with angels is very similar.

Connecting with our loved ones who have departed or with angels is very similar. They are usually not earth-bound so I can connect with them as soon as you give them permission to use me as a channel.


Angel Mediumship sessions are healthy for the ones left behind; it gives the opportunity to forgive, alleviate pain and provides knowledge that their loved one is doing well. It also helps them with grief and provides closure. 

My story

My re-awakening to this field of “life after life” occurred when my mom passed.

When I was a child, I used to see my sister who had passed when she was a year old.

I blocked this gift, possibly because of fear of rejection, so it was easier to make the decision of not wanting to see.

After my mom crossed over...

a very close friend of mine told me that I needed to take a class with Doreen Virtue on Big Island to learn about how to communicate with the dead, so I did.


That was one of the best pieces of advice I have ever received: It helped me not only to have peace with my mom’s departure, but also helped me to recognize my gift and not be afraid to use it for the good of everyone.


During my life I had several encounters with the “life after life” people, but since I did not seek these experiences, I denied it.

But then...

my mom gave me the confidence that if I was going to contact someone, it would be her, and so it was easier.


I not only had contacted my mom, but also my sister who had passed when she was 1 year old and I was 3 years old. She became a beautiful young woman. Yes, when young people or children pass, they continue growing in the spiritual life to become the person they would be if on earth.


When adults, elderly or very sick people pass, they revert to the best shape they had in their adult life. Sometimes in a mediumship session, people do not recognize who I am describing, because they did not meet or remember their loved one being young and/healthy. 

There's nothing to be fearful about during an Angel Mediumship session;

Let’s leave that for Hollywood movies. Another difference in these sessions is that we are connecting with souls who are in the light and not earth-bound spirits.

The session is carried out in a safe environment and, with my guardian angel’s help and my spiritual guides, I receive answers for the client. 


Angel Mediumship sessions can be included in private coaching program at no cost.

If you want to explore the possibility about healing your life and moving forward with me by your side, book a complimentary consultation to talk about my coaching program “The Aligned Way”.

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